Post by eye2i2hear on Mar 2, 2007 15:58:35 GMT -5
nonentity said:
Hmm. That seemed to me to go a long way around and to come right back to from whence it started.
A matter of perspective, no less.
Or is it no more?
Duly noting the inclusion of "seemed to me".
Also, I'm confused as to your dismissing my commentary regarding freedom being a mental state.
Do I need to assume the "seemed to me" here, too? ;D
I don't wish to "dismiss" it per se. Only to remind of a duality.
I only wish to offer that there are dual aspects of free/freedom.
Both are states of mind, of course, as both are concepts.
The difference I see is that one is purely subjective (ie "personal"/inward) while the other can be empirically validated-- or at least appealed to as a requirement for the outward claim.
You had made the statement that one could not be free without "land certain," whatever that means. I will assume for this moment that it means a given quantity of land.
I'm impressed! A conclusion drawn! (and yes, a temptation withheld here
I intend that, from an associative perspective of the concept of free. Right? [ie you'll have to go discuss it with the likes of me, myself, and I otherwise; where "me" etc is "you" of course; discuss it with the guy in your mirror...?]
What I hoped might be heard in the phrase "land certain" is both that it is factually certain-- specific-- but also to seek to remind of what it's factually certain regarding-- that being that a man's body certainly will not live apart from land. Naturally-- by natural order, that is clearly a done deal. Only if and when property is claimed is it potentially forced otherwise. Thus property claim can include slavery, etc. I speak here of foundational considerations of course.
If* an individual's body is his property then every individual requires land as property. Thus it follows clearly to me, that any establishment of property must include individual's land certain-- a certain amount of land guaranteed to each if claimed by any. Btw, I did not come to understand this on my own, so please don't take this to be something I came up with; where then for me, it is something I can't find any authority I have to say otherwise. *[I only used "If" to challenge the thinking of those that I feel have already agreed to that empirically reasoned position in hopes they'll likewise naturally agree to this next- logical- step]
I honestly do not know how to convey it differently and so can only say again, conflict is only of the realm of empirical evidence. Even if we disagree, say, on Santa's wife being a babe (or a fox) or a dawg (or a fat cow), until it is acted upon, it is not conflict-- in an associative sense. Maybe bringing up the phrase "there is no injured party" helps; or by the question "where is the injured party"? Where did it get physical/factual? [assuming of course, those are acceptable as valid concepts/principles/foundations]
So I could say (rather than merely "think") you (or Santa Claus) makes me a slave (or an elf, for that matter). Again, just as Crusoe could say on his deserted island "I am a slave/I am not free". Who's to argue-- as who cares, factually? "Free" is after all, all Crusoe's to define. There is no competing authority to claim otherwise (allowing that Crusoe hasn't granted even that to a monkey or a tree). You could also say there's a conflict with you saying you're Santa BeCause. You could also say gizmos are unConstiwidgetal. You could say you're not free. [where "you" of course is not personal and can be "me" or anyone]
Just as the facts establish the crime, I offer that so the facts dictate the authority issue. Or that we have to agree to allow them-- or else risk being The Decider.
Where so again, the facts are land is how one lives (biologically sustains life, notably one's ultimate property, one's body). I did not dictate this akin to a dictator (political). But I could agree with it being said I dictate it as I "hear" it from nature's mandate! Where's my secretary?! Or am I a secretary!?
[now whether each individual chooses to follow personal mandates of nature, is not any other's business or obligation-- at least regarding enforcement; whether one chooses to till, plant, and cultivate is their free choice; not having the land to do it if so choosing, because of any other's claims founded only by mere desire rather than equal natural mandate, denies or prevents it, is usurpation; it is higher archy; it is control; it is enforcement]
I also know of no other point to hammer than the issue of authority. Property and conflict are authority issues. Just like they are associative issues. Apart from nature (the elementals in all their shapes and forms literal, factual) and then natural order, how is authority to be settled? If facts settle conflict, don't facts settle authority? And thus settle claims?
What are the facts of life?
;D We don't use the phrase "the widgets and the gizmos" but rather "the birds and the bees".
Where then it seems the logical step is to say the same of authority. What are the "birds and the bees" of it? Again, I know of nothing else we can appeal to. Conflict is a difference of opinion about establishing authority, is it not?
There are mandates outside of our control-- called Nature (or nature). Thus we individually are equally under that. Where then any change regarding that mandate, the natural order, the natural dictate (to use your word) is simply a usurpation or assumption of authority-- and so the question is, how is the authority validated or invalidated? By what authority (or to what authority) can one (or a majority as "one") invalidate a natural mandate? What else is there to appeal to if not the natural mandates as the highest authority (needed because two "little" authorities are in conflict)?
Assuming of course, we first agree that appeals to Matrix's and Wonderlands (and Legalands) get us nowhere...? ("nowhere" perhaps at best; further under enforcement-- aka not free, as worst)
But humans by our very nature are social beings, so by that very same nature we will each require different amounts of land and other materials to perform whatever functions within the social matrix that we choose or find ourselves relegated to.
Please help me to see how this is any less dictatorial than my "dictates"?
Are they dictates? Your's here or mine earlier? Validate your position. [and you can not use empirically validated words!]
Again, I know of nothing outside of natural order to appeal to.
And so again, it seems clear that nature has mandates. Any wishing or desiring to change that order seems bound to doing it empirically.
Now, how much "certain" amounts to regarding each individuals amount of land? I'd hoped my other offerings (your "dictates") ie points for consideration for agreement or rejection, would address such as raised here. Suffice it to be said here, this gets more into the "desires" aspect than the "mandates".
But if we accept that we individually and collectively have dictates-- like 'em or not-- by nature (or in nature or as the state of nature, etc) then it seems obvious any "one" having his desires fulfilled by inherently interfering with natural mandates has some validating to do, no?! [que the I Love Lucy Ricky clip here: "You got some 'splainin' to do."]
And even then, one is never free, in that being social creatures we must each interact with others as a part of our natural evolved state of being and survival.
Here again, I fear there is a step over into the non-associative aspects seeking to make them of the associative "realm". I have nor hold any delusions of utopian or perfection "free".
Freedom, from the associative perspective (which I think is why we're having this debate?), inherently starts with things mandated by nature as being the ultimate authority. Society being therefore a natural mandate, the natural order, it is accurate to say those interactions are inherently balancing and therein define 'free' as encompassing it. We are wise not to romp over into some paradise (ie Legalland) defining of free. I offer that the expression "My freedom ends where any other's begins" is a way of capturing this natural order-- acceptance of the natural authority and definition. It is again, only when another's lesser natural desires relative or up against another's natural needs (again, those naturally empirically validated) supplant the opportunity regarding those needs, that saying one is no longer free is accurate.
I individually have a responsibility regarding natural mandates-- the natural order/authority. Both my own and any other's objectively. [after all, apart from them I don't know if there is any "I" or "you"-- and so objectively, associatively, socially, its all that matters]