eye2 said, "It is my position that rights-- as a mereword representing something that does not exist but is a valid/empirically based concept"
Ok then how is that mereword any different from merewords of ownership, property etc.? I dunno if this is directed to me specifically or the board in general, but for me, I don't hold that there's any difference-- at least that makes any effort debating it necessary. So this is not my argument. (not that that seems to deter some anyways)
Any one else?
Regarding the word empirical, I'll appeal to/offer an outside/objective source:
1. a. Relying on or derived from observation or experiment
b. Verifiable or provable by means of observation or experiment
2. Guided by practical experience and not theory, especially in medicine.For my reasoning, "observation" and "practical experience" capture the essence; more so that "experimentation"-- unless by the later we can agree that history is an experiment...?
So how much experimentation does it take to validate equal authority? Don't we simply look for an experiment that proves otherwise?
As otherwise, its observable that we all get here the same and require the same (and leave with the same). [common "needs" versus variances of "desires" intended]
Thus, in saying something is a right (much less having already required the concept itself to be valid!), I simply ask that by empirical foundation let it-- the claimed right-- be validated. What are the facts that establish an authority higher than mine when it comes to me eating (a fact verifiable)/sleeping (a fact verifiable)/traveling (a fact verifiable)/laboring (a fact verifiable)?
I'll repeat: I'm not arguing that rights come with guarantees. (i've said before, that for the concept, they are little different from "honor" or "respect") Life itself is risk, period (validated premise by observation).
I'm also not arguing about the concept of property.
I'm arguing for the empirical foundation of both/either.
And to my mind it simply centers in proving/validating authority.
example A:
I decide to travel.
You decide to homestead (claim land as exclusive/property).
In my travel, night falls and I've arrived at your homestead/claim.
Ok, the empirical foundation is that I naturally rest, eat, and relieve myself. [you and anybody else "knows" this because you also have it in common]
Where is your empirical foundational/based authority to prevent me?
example B:
You arrive at a "spot" specific and decide to meet your needs (ie homestead)
I arrive at that "spot" secific and decide to meet my needs (ie homestead)
By what authority is it that the amount of said spot as oh, say, 20 acres is "your" spot?
And how about when the next, and the next, and the next arrive with their needs?
F*** "respect" and "honor" and "conflict resolution"-- apart from LACK of historical observation, any body with half an ability to reason will see it "proven" that SOME settling of authority will be necessary. [not to say it will be or even has to be perfect; only that I hold that when empirically based, the common folk will
agree that its "good" and "right" and "just"; because its "commonly sensed" and thus "common sense" etc]
Well, it sounds to me like you're over complicating a very basic, fundamental aspect of society.
I don't see the "abstraction". Perhaps you can help me out/further...
I simply see observation of the obvious. No diff from the way every other valid agreement behind concepts comes about.
Just for clarity, I would not disagree that almost everyone has a desire to continue to live. I just say at the core aspect of authority, its that but MORE.
doG, all that first stuff and we get to this?!?
And a give "yupp". There's the rub: factually certain things that one must have to continue to exist.
Focus then on the AUTHORITY aspect/concept, and I honestly don't know how you can't see where the genuine conflict results from. Its some aspect of one saying that another can't walk out those factual "musts"-- be that in the more temporal, or the more perpetual considerations.
To my mind its all about validating the higher authority to then validate any "higher" claim-- also known as property-- most crucially, at least maybe for tharrin, is land. [my body = land needed to keep it; just like your body, too]
I've offered my empirical "observation" solution of time as investment establishing a higher equity claim thus validating the concept of property (to my mind-- and I hold that there is nothing else we have in common to otherwise observe!).
I must say i hope this is another of those work overload results.
I never said rights
were empirical; I hold that they are validated empirically [particularly when all else any two are left with is opinion/fantasy/imagination/nonE].
I've also stated that if, unless, and until, the gun is taken out of the negotiating room (called societal encounter) we're wasting our time. Kill the conflict alright, just kill the guy that differs with you-- that higher authority with the gun as well as his notion that its his, simply because some others agreed with him!?!
And yupp, you did bury "the rights" simply in that you buried "him". Just like you buried any other concepts (and fantasies, too). You did NOT however bury the violation. And you did not bury the dishonor. But of course all THAT is "relative"; as after all, those don't exist!?! 'Sides, you and enough like you have agreed just 'cause might makes right that it
was your's to
defend. Now there's a "
DoG, i don't see how some can stumble so over a mere word. Again, all I can scratch my head and come up with is that its State-think remnants &/or misunderstanding of what the call for facts is central to.
Perhaps the best response to this is to substitute "The State" everywhere you have what people "like"... and "order"... and "security"...?! Seems we get quickly enuff with property to "home"+"land" security.
I hope I'm not being taken as being cantankerous just for its own sake. I just simply can not get my mind around how the BANG BANG claims of (defending
my) property (apart from settling the authority issue empirically) differ from the concept of The BANG BANG State.
And quite honestly,
I couldn't disagree more. I don't know of one single person that I've read on this board that holds this-- not even close. doG, not only is there still a gun in the room, there's a good-for-nothing-bum-bogey strawman too.
I think this paranoia (yeah, mho) is significant however, so I'm glad it was stated.
A good king you'd make here laddie.
And all the king's men of course decide when another king (of lesser authority
of course, obviously) is over that fence, he's a "critter"-- BANG BANG. dead critter and dead trespasser. [ok, I'm a tad "overkill" here; we won't take that as what any king-- i mean No Stater-- here would do]
I've said it before, but I'll say it again. I nor anyone here that I've listened to (when i read their posts) has said anything of the sort like "telling you what to do and how you can see to your own needs." Nor said, while we're at, that they'll walk up anytime they're good and ready and EAT YOUR TOMATOES!!
But let's focus for a sec on this "needs" business. Ah, now, do
they exist? Are they factual?
I hope you don't try for argument's sake to wiggle out of that. No doubt it aligns with my position quite clearly. [facts are relevant and have their purposes, but so are common sense concepts]
Again, put any's claims to authority on a scale and find either balance or imbalance. Conflict is ultimately an authority issue imo. All I can
see that can be appealed to is the natural, common "needs" that require being fulfilled-- "desired" or not. (yeah, I hold that suicide is not "common").
You wish to put up a fence? Fine, put one up. Just don't visualize in your mind that it magically covers the immediate space all around it-- much less ever-how-many magical acres you "see", what say? "Your" fence? No problem, I can easily enuff climb thru it or over it, thank you (and do my double doG best to leave it as i found it). What do you empirically base your authority to tell me I can't?
I can (or least should be able to) explain to you my natural need to do that (eg to get to where I'm traveling to, to get to a place to sleep, to get to a place to "squat"-- leaf or two included, please!). Unless of course I'm one of "those" bogey men this owner is sooooo afraid that might wish to challenge the authority just for challenges sake?
This I can relate to.
But only because the thinking that folks are going to merrily agree on the other magical "dream"-- known as "no State" just ain't gonna happen either-- (not as long as this present path regarding property claims is held to).
I've resolved for that to not be my issue or concern.I only wish to know that, to the best that I can, I honor others rights=respect their authority; that I can empirically validate (tho not necessarily to be confused with articulate) my reasons and the concepts arrived at by them; that my ways are as I've given; that freedom is another's as it is mine.
Can I quote Marc here? Let's see, its something like "just because we don't know the cure for cancer doesn't mean we keep using leeches." (or something like that)
If there's a solution, it will be because we've examined our core concepts AND validated them empirically.
And just as backing away and out of The Big State, so the honorable will back away and out of the little State/invalid property claims
Said with a ring that seems familiar... oh yeah, spoken by most everyone I've talked to about doing away with The State. 'Cept of course, the stubborn ornery folks like in this thread... ;D
and so my question remains on the table: tell me how agreeing to property and using violence to back it up-- agreeing also to call that violence "defense"-- differs one iota from the foundation for The State?
I LIKE property too; especially if and when I get to define it/claim it/determine it!!
It seems from the argument specifics, I'm missing something, but danged if I know what it is.
I'll repeat the core of this for me: If my body is the first principle property, and if that body can not be such apart from certain factual events being allowed, then how is that any other authority can tell me I am not entitled (emphasis on the "titled") or do not have the right to land certain (and unalienable)? And the essentials to necessitate such? (oh say like toilet paper in place of those leaves? lol jus' kiddin'--- right?)
Man talk about how a word can suddenly capture a concept and hold it captive! Unless it has the tag "governments" or "The State" on it, suddenly the authority of one or more of like mind, ie willing to claim property regardless of any disagreeing-- but
they're not government-- ok, let's make it they're not
biG "Government", noooooo--- as that helps, you see, the word you use-- you do see don't cha? BANG BANG! "dang trespassers!!"
I must be "the problem" here in this thread; because that made absolutely nothing any more coherent here for me.
I guess its simply that its the nature of this type of dialog. We easily get lumped into "the good guys" and "the bad guys"; you know those wanting property (as "we" decide it) and those "bums" and "freeloaders" not wanting it that way-- emphasis on
that way-- and not property in and of itself. Hell, "they" don't even LIKE it...
I guess this thread
is like crack-- as I'm sure having serious withdrawal symptoms... (er make that withdrawal inclinations)