I disagree.
Guns aren't immoral people are.
exactly what is morality and who is to decide? Let's see-- you say:
1) I disagree; Guns aren't immoral, people are."
2) exactly what is morality and who is to decide?
Didn't you just decide?
So it seems you answered your own question...
Perhaps a word substitution would best bring out a point here; at least if as it sounds to me the ole "there is no morality" statement is ringing here:
1) Guns aren't widgetoral, people are.
2) exactly what is widgetorality and who is to decide?
Perhaps I wouldn't go with the word chosen, "simplistic", but yupp, from my perspective, it's too "something". ;D
I feel its a matter of not genuinely looking 'far' enough. Or 'deep' enough.
This biz with property is perhaps like outer space or biology. Space seems simple enough after all; its just suns, stars, and moons with an occasional comet. It takes a proverbial special eye, added by the likes of an equally proverbial telescope and microscope to 'get at' the root of property. The other proverb further allows for expressing that too many want to declare they know all about property's simplicity without looking into the microscope. I hold there's a serious virus in most folks property petri dish called their position. [especially where that position is 'defensively justifiable' aka backed by violence; can such a "defense" be an "offense"? who decides-- but more importantly, can they empirically validate their decision?]
If you truly want the same for me, then you'll pull up those land claim fences/imaginary lines until the principle(s) establishing them are validated. From my perspective, we're right back to the heart of what the thinkers both behind and within the American Declaration of Independence were, first regarding being "equal"; where common sense seems to settle that was nothing more nor less regarding authority. And then in recalling that for the day, rather than what wound up in said Declaration, being "Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness" the phrase prior was "Life, Liberty, and Property". How significant that is is of course subjective. I hold it conveys some serious stirring regarding this claim of definition, held common, of property. Thomas Paine's less notably influential but equally insightful writing of the time duly offered for support.
This begs the question, imo. Again, because with "your" property claim there's still a gun on the table/in the room. [the gun brought out of the room if eye is out on "your land" tonight, for example...]
As you asked about "immoral", wouldn't "we" simply ask: who defines "left alone"?
I'm still waiting for a response [from anyone here] as how those with the guns voting together in backing their land claims differ from "the nanny" State? In other words, how far back have "they" gone in looking for trespass? Where WAS the first/original equal claim trespass-- that as such-- if "their" premise is valid, is a claim justified as being violently defended/reclaimed-- as its also "legislated" (aka "agreed to") being termed/ruled "defense"?
Oh, so its 'clear' where the "real" criminal is-- as long as its weed; but its not "real" when its some larger claim ie "land title"?!
doG damn. So native tharrin "stakes a claim" for a night (or two, or three, or more?) for himself and his family on some land, that somewhere has this superstitious/supernatural power, called a "land title/patent" (map) and suddenly that's a "real" crime?
You tempted me to say "ditto" and "you took the words right out of my mouth." But on further reflection, for me saying some "thing" (thought) is stupid is too easily taken to be calling some "one" stupid. And so I choose to resist that temptation.
But yeah, upon reading the likes of Thomas Paine, and then principally take any other position
seems "stupid" to me. But it most likely just more blindness (aka inability to reason rationally, logically, and empirically) caused by State indoctrination.
Let's see... oh, say, about as
"fairly" settled in having The State today?! doG damn. We The People decided and that settles it-- fairly?! Property IS The State today and for most, for sure, that settles it. Does that validate "the settled"? As what is called "fair" property is backed by the same [like it/want it or not] "fair" State. Where only because of this Statement even being made seeming to make it necessary, said State is nothing more than individuals agreeing-- where part of that agreement is to support said agreement includes using violence. Call it "compact", call it "voluntary contract", call it "covenant", call it "constitution"; but call it what it is principally: violence backed opinion.
That said, I initially wanted to agree with you. I guess I might put it that in my gut, I felt like I grasped the core of what you're saying. Where that might be that generally, most "folk" are "good folk". But doG damb, aren't we right back to defining/deciding immoral? As most STATE-think folk consider themselves good and moral? But how many follow that with "good citizens" and "moral christians/muslims/mormans/catholics"?!
Let it not be taken, however, that I'm arguing from a position that says good and moral can not be validated. Foundational is simply in first agreeing to common law/natural law as our ONLY thing-- emphasis on the word "thing" --as the heart of all social matter (emphasis on "the matter") --for it is what we have in common FACTUALLY-- whereupon we can then build concepts (eg morals, ie "murder").
Me feels the witness is in need of psychiatric evaluation, your honor. He wishes to not see The State yet argue that all that's going on with The State's blessing and backing is not because of (or at least major big time influenced/impacted by) such?!?
This reasoning is about par with saying I "voluntarily" pay my income taxes or get a driver's license, etc, etc. Sure, MOST folk hold that to be accurate, so is that The Case, settled fairly?
I specifically do not "squat" (why is that the word of choice?) today because I know said CLAIM is backed by an individual with a gun-- and a permit to have it!! --or to call his hired gun [there's a "State" on the table/in the room]...
You won't call "daddy" even if he's backing your property claim? Even if "daddy" is everybody agreeing with you (with their hand on the collective "gun" known as "defense of property"? Boy, we need a "de" fense alright; de = take down the Collective Power fences literally and mentally; btw, in case you don't see
your buddies and yourself as a collective power = A State, please feel free to help me to see my error-- but I'll need just the facts, please)
Btw, you must have been at the wrong teepee if you heard "rap" music (unless by "rap" you mean "r"eally "a"wesome "p"layers?)
. More likely to hear fusion, bluegrass, jazz or classic-2-progressive rock here abouts. [you might call daddy 'bout the volume tho...]
--mye2cents worth4what-its-worth